[see 'arrows' below (via 'cerulean highlight'), for journaling... as of 2/11/24]

(A board letter, regarding my deceased dad's issue... with the appointment of a man by the name of Douglas Muehlemann... to President, of Structured Analytics)


(photo of my dad, from the summer of 2014)

(a dinner prepared by my dad, on 7/30/20... at my former apartment complex - Vanguard Crossing, in University City, MO)


December 26, 2021


"You think you will walk away untested, but you may be mistaken..." - Jigsaw

"There are those who take their lives for granted, while others do not... Life is a test to see what is done, with the given time... In the context of the spirit, mind and body... one has a vector (magnitude and direction) due to the spirit, mental faculties due to the mind (which abides in the brain), and physicality (due to motions one may partake in)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"...without a 'spirit,' a human is just a compilation of organs (an inanimate entity)... The mind permits him/her to process environmental stimuli in his/her world, and to derive meaning from such... but at some stage, such was inactive... and some 'fire' had to cause, the emergence of such, into some 'vessel (a body)', which takes a form... subject to variation, over time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:02 AM (12/26/21): "Interesting article... you learn something new, everyday..." - Michael Izuchukwu

John Ifeanyichukwu Izuchukwu, PhD, MBA, PE, Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who (24-7pressrelease.com)

"I am not sure who authored the article, but the words 'pulmonary and cardiovascular mechanics,' struck a chord with me..." - Michael Izuchukwu

How one man almost waited too long to get help for potentially fatal pulmonary embolism - YouTube

8:08 AM (12/26/21): "Featured above, is Jigsaw ('John Kramer' in the SAW movies) during his autopsy... Between 2006 and 2020, my dad had 4 heart surgery operations (specifically, he had to undergo an 'aortic dissection' on at least a single occasion, and had a pulmonary embolism)... To my understanding, he was in a state of 'unemployment' from 2001-2020, aside from 'teaching gigs' he attested to having... He had worked at a company known as Mallinckrodt from 1998-2001, and always attested that he sought to be the Chief Executive Officer there... although, I am not sure of how well he knew his coworkers... or, how well they got along... given then, I was pretty much in elementary school..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:12 AM (12/26/21): "Personally, when I think about someone having '4' heart surgeries... my first instinct is that it should be 'one and done'... I wouldn't want someone to say to me, 'Damn man... you're going in for your fifth... what's going on...?'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:40 AM (12/26/21): See:

john izuchukwu rolla - Google Search

"My dad is John Ifeanyichukwu Izuchukwu, Sr., and my middle brother, JJ - John Ifeanyichukwu Izuchukwu, Jr. ..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

TEXTS WITH JJ: READING BETWEEN THE LINES (textwithjj31022.blogspot.com)



8:00 AM (2/11/24):

In this video, Erriyon Knighton debuts his indoor 200-meter... 

(Erriyon Knighton is the man, in the 'golden' tunic... ...while Michael Johnson (of the 1996 Olympics, in Atlanta, Georgia), was the man... ...'in the golden shoes') 

yellow ~ golden***

Meeting Hauts-de-France Pas-de-Calais Trophée EDF Highlights | World Indoor Tour 2024 - YouTube


Michael Izuchukwu (podschike) - Profile | Pinterest

NOTE #1:
In the context of the recap video, I had the initial impression... that Erriyon's debut, implied that he had been 'resurrected'... ...or 'renewed'... ...given that 20.2 is distinct, from 19.49... ...regarding 200-meter times... 

NOTE #2:

The 200-meter world record, is 19.19 seconds... set by Usain Bolt, at the 2009 World Championships... in Berlin, Germany...

19.19! Usain Bolt's untouchable 200m world record | NBC Sports (youtube.com)


Photo of Super Bowl LVIII (Super Bowl 58) during overtime... at 10:30 PM, on 2/11/24...
The score was 19-19 (with 9:43 remaining), regarding the battle... between the San Francisco 49ers, & the Kansas City Chiefs



Usain Bolt 19.19 new WORLD RECORD 200M Berlin 2009 [HQ] (youtube.com)

8:31 AM (2/11/24):
Observing an assembly of geese, in Monte Irvin Orange Park (East Orange, NJ - 8:53 AM, on 12/9/23) (youtube.com)

"If you want to ascend (to the heights, of the mountains)... ...you have to be 'properly equipped,' and be assured, that you follow the right path (and are not, led astray)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:16 PM (2/11/24):

Josh Kerr SMASHES world record in men’s 2 mile at the Millrose Games | NBC Sports (youtube.com)
"Amazing performance, by a man... named Josh Kerr (first time that I have heard of him)... He just set a new world record, in the 2-mile run... ...at 8:00:67... For quite some time, in the past... ...there were those, who did not believe... that running faster than a 4-minute mile... ...was possible... Thus, running 2 miles 'at that pace'... ... is 'arguably extraordinary'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Four-minute mile - Wikipedia

"four-minute mile is the completion of a mile run (1.609 km) in four minutes or less. It was first achieved in 1954 by Roger Bannister, at age 25, in 3:59.4."

NOTE #1:
When I read that introduction, such evoked of 0:00-0:15... of the following song...:

ALTARE - IMPULSE (youtube.com)

NOTE #2:
...on May 6, 1954... specifically (exactly '1' year, before my dad... was born)... Cardiovascular fitness, requires 'pulmonary efficiency (fluidity of blood flow)'...

2:46 AM (2/12/24):

Rest In Peace Kelvin Kiptum (youtube.com)

I was shocked at this video, which was released a little more than '1' hour ago... Kelvin Kiptum's world record in the marathon, had recently been ratified... ...after he had shattered the previous record (held by Eliud Kipchoge), by 34 seconds... Apparently, he died in a serious 'vehicular accident'...

Larry Madowo on X: "BREAKING: World marathon record holder Kelvin Kiptum, 24 killed in a road accident outside Eldoret. Kiptum - who was driving - and his 36yo Rwandan coach Gervais Hakizimana died on the spot while a third occupant survived with serious injuries, police said https://t.co/7bjI2zy112" / X (twitter.com)

NOTE #1:
I am wondering, if there was 'foul play'... Kelvin was likely, to be the 'first man'... to break 2 hours, for the marathon... ...given that he lowered the previous record, of 2:01:09... to 2:00:35


Kelvin's coach (Gervais Hakizimana) was 36 years old, and yet... Kelvin needed to run 36 seconds faster, to break the 2-hour marathon barrier... That 'sounds fishy'... (a third occupant survived, with 'serious injuries')

Kenya & Rwanda, could be thought of as the letters 'K' & 'R'... ...in terms of 'alliteration'... ...These letters could be thought of as the acronym 'KR'... ...alluding to Kerr (the person Josh Kerr, specifically)

(something about multiple variables at play, governing dynamics & chaos theory)


3:05 AM (2/12/24):

Each needed second, with 'the one (Kelvin)'... ...translated to a year, that his coach... had lived...

NOTE #1:
In this context, the one is he 'whom' could 'break the barrier'...

"But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years… are like a day..." - 2 Peter 3:8


NOTE #2:
I had saved the following article, a few days ago...:

Kelvin Kiptum's Marathon World Record Ratified By World Athletics - FloTrack

(first words I said to myself, were 'god damn...')

Google snapshot, from 2:58 AM... on 2/12/24
Had Kelvin broken the 2-hour barrier for the marathon, such would have been 'revolutionary'...


3:33 AM (2/12/24):

No words, other than 'how the f... ...did this happen'... (to encapsulate, 'this news')

4:01 AM (2/12/24):

Watchmen: Doctor Manhattan's backstory - YouTube

"Not everything that can be counted, counts... ...and not everything that counts, can be counted..." - Albert Einstein

4:11 AM (2/12/24):
I personally believe, that some 'awakening' took place for me... ...between the end of the Super Bowl, and prior... to hearing, the tragedy... of Kelvin Kiptum (regarding my 'spiritual frequency')... If so, this may be attributable to the fact... that Jesus Christ ('God the Son') refines human beings... ...the further along a spiritual path (or 'path to fulfillment'), they venture... 
Jesus probably knew that Kelvin Kiptum had the potential... to influence 'politics'... ...or start 'some movement,' on the continent of Africa... ...had he broken, the 2-hour marathon barrier... This makes sense, in terms of quantum mechanics... and 'different timelines'... (such is the nature, of parallel universes... and 'diverging paths')


NOTE #3:
In high school, I had a photo of Steve Prefontaine... in my room... ...when I used to run Cross Country, for my sophomore and junior years (Junior Varsity)... ...as a means of conditioning, for track and field (Varsity)... He died, in a car accident... ...as well (I was reminded, of this)

how did steve prefontaine die - Google Search



1. Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/michael.izuchukwu.125/ )

2. DIFFERENT LIGHTS (darkcandles7.blogspot.com)

3. Pinterest ( https://www.pinterest.com/WHIZ32/_created/ )


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